9.00-9.30 Welcome coffee and registration
9.30-9.50 Opening words
- H.E. Tom J.M. van Oorschot, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Bulgaria
- Anne-Marie Vilamovska, Secretary for Healthcare and Innovations of the President
- Maxim Behar, Member of the Board of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF)
9.50-10.30 CSR TODAY – Overview
- CSR trends, developments and best practices in Europe and the Netherlands, by Bernedine Bos, international relations and business development at CSR Netherlands
- CSR in Bulgaria – context overview by Boris Kolev, CEO of CSR Bulgaria
- Q&A session
10.30-11.30 Sharing expertise – Discussion session 1
- CSR and compliance: including transparency/reporting, developing CSR policy, tools for implementation
- CSR and innovation: exploring new business models: inclusive and circular economy. What could it bring to Bulgarian companies?
11.50-12.40 Boosting CSR in Bulgaria – Discussion session 2
- Developing CSR in a sector: drafting a sector action plan
- Developing a strategy for Bulgaria: the roles of companies, government and civil society
12.40-13:00 CSR TODAY – Message for tomorrow
Wrap up: conclusions from the panel sessions and final remarks
13:00-14:00 Networking lunch with a cause
- H.E. Tom J.M. van Oorschot, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Bulgaria
- Anne-Marie Vilamovska, Secretary for Healthcare and Innovations of the President
- Maxim Behar, Member of the Board of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF)ss leaders Forum (BBLF)
CSR trends, developments and best practices in Europe and the Netherlands
- by Bernedine Bos, CSR Netherlands
CSR in Bulgaria
- by Boris Kolev, CSR Bulgaria
CSR and compliance:
- transparency/reporting
- developing CSR policy
- tools for implementation
CSR and innovation: new business models
- inclusive economy
- circular economy
Developing CSR in a sector
- drafting a sector action plan
Developing a strategy for Bulgaria
- the roles of companies, government and civil society
Wrap up: conclusions from the panel sessions and final remarks
“CSR Today” is our response to the endeavors of the companies and the needs of the society”
H.E. Tom J.M. van Oorschot

H.E. Tom van Oorschot
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bulgaria
In a world of rapid economic development and increasing needs of the society, a growing number of companies are convinced of the importance and benefits of their Corporate Social Responsibility. Most modern organisations recognise their impact on the people, environment and society. They develop own integrated CSR strategies contributing to positive change and, at the same time, boosting their innovation, customer engagement and cost savings.
In the Netherlands and at the Dutch Embassy we believe that CSR is not only an attribute of the big multinationals. Businesses of all sizes can drive a positive change and “CSR Today” is our contribution to this change. It is the event where best Dutch, Bulgarian and other international practices will be shared and it will create a platform for exchange of knowledge and visions for today and for the future.
The Netherlands Embassy invited the prominent Dutch CSR expert Mrs. Bernedine Bos (CSR Netherlands) and approached a number of Dutch, Bulgarian and international companies, NGOs and representatives of the responsible state institutions. The Embassy is cooperating together with CSR Bulgaria in organzing this high level event. We believe that companies play an important role in developing our common future. By stimulating CSR we can create the right environment for boosting the development of new and more comprehensive sustainable practices.
Join us on December 9th! You are welcome!
Dr. Anna-Marie Vilamovska
Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy and Healthcare Policy to Bulgaria’s President H.E. Rossen Plevneliev
In the fall of 2015 she was selected as one of the New Europe 100 outstanding individuals leading world-class innovation by the Financial Times, Visegrad Fund, Google and ResPublica.
Dr. Vilamovska co-chairs the Presidential Councils for Science and Education and for Economic Development and represents Bulgaria at the EC Member States Board on Digital Entrepreneurship. She leads the Presidents’ “John Atanasoff” Outstanding Young Digital Scientists and Entrepreneurs Awards and is one of the leaders in the EC eSkills and Digital Entrepreneurship Campaigns.
From 2003 to 2010 Dr. Vilamovska designed pension system in Central and South Asia, the Middle East, and Central Europe for IBRD and IDA in Washington, D.C. and co-led applied policy analysis and design projects at the RAND Corporation in Los Angeles and Brussels in the fields of innovation, health and education policy for international corporate, government and non-profit clients.

Bernedine Bos
International relations and business development at MVO Nederland
Moreover she is responsible for a project portfolio of about 3 million euro a year. Current project cover sustainability and circular economy in various sectors (tourism, leather, textiles, agriculture, chemical industry, maritime, etc) and in various countries (Costa Rica, Peru, Kenya, Suriname, Uganda, Indonesia, Albania, etc.)
Bernedine represents MVO Nederland in the board of CSR Europe, the CSR network of around 45 CSR business networks in various European countries and around 50 European large multinational companies.
MVO Nederland was founded in 2004 as the Dutch national knowledge centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with special focus on SME’s. Bernedine started in that same year as project manager for international CSR and supply chain responsibility. In the course of the 12 years that she has worked at MVO Nederland, she has been intensively involved with the strategic development of the organisation. MVO Nederland changed from a pure knowledge centre into a business network, focusing on CSR 1.0, to a coalition building organisation focusing on sustainable innovation. It has changed from a mainly publicly financed organisation into a public-private organisation with a joint ‘Ambition2020’ for all partners in our network: ‘The Netherlands a world example of a circular and inclusive economy’.
Boris Kolev
CEO of CSR Bulgaria
Boris is also a founder of CSR Bulgaria – the Bulgarian network for corporate social responsibility. Boris is a serial and social entrepreneur with extensive experience in building and developing project with high social impact as well as digital technology companies and projects in the sphere of innovations. He is often recognized as one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in Bulgaria.
Boris founded his first company, now – JT International Group on the age of 18, right after graduating from high school. He is co-founder and managing partner in DigiMark, a Bulgarian mobile software development company. Boris is also a managing director in DigiMark Ventures – a tech investment company in the mobile industry which already backing up Bulgarian Startups with great potential.
Boris is an honorable president of the “ForumsLeague” and chairman of board of “Mastermind Foundation” in Bulgaria.
Boris is a leading the “Social Responsible Practices” major course at the master degree program of “Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial management” at VUZF University in Sofia, Bulgaria.
In 2007 the global business magazine “BusinessWeek Worldwide” placed Boris on 2-nd place for “Europe’s Best Young Entrepreneurs Award”.
In 2013 Boris has been recognized among the first list “30 under 30” of Forbes Magazine in Bulgaria awarding the young leaders with highest potential.

H.E. Tom van Oorschot
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bulgaria
In the Netherlands and at the Dutch Embassy we believe that CSR is not only an attribute of the big multinationals. Businesses of all sizes can drive a positive change and “CSR Today” is our contribution to this change. It is the event where best Dutch, Bulgarian and other international practices will be shared and it will create a platform for exchange of knowledge and visions for today and for the future.

Dr. Anna-Marie Vilamovska
Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy and Healthcare Policy to Bulgaria’s President H.E. Rossen Plevneliev
In the fall of 2015 she was selected as one of the New Europe 100 outstanding individuals leading world-class innovation by the Financial Times, Visegrad Fund, Google and ResPublica. Dr. Vilamovska co-chairs the Presidential Councils for Science and Education and for Economic Development and represents Bulgaria at the EC Member States Board on Digital Entrepreneurship. She leads the Presidents’ “John Atanasoff” Outstanding Young Digital Scientists and Entrepreneurs Awards and is one of the leaders in the EC eSkills and Digital Entrepreneurship Campaigns.
Bernedine Bos
International relations and business development at MVO Nederland
Bernedine represents MVO Nederland in the board of CSR Europe, the CSR network of around 45 CSR business networks in various European countries and around 50 European large multinational companies. Current project cover sustainability and circular economy in various sectors (tourism, leather, textiles, agriculture, chemical industry, maritime, etc) and in various countries (Costa Rica, Peru, Kenya, Suriname, Uganda, Indonesia, Albania, etc.)
Boris Kolev
CEO of CSR Bulgaria
Boris is also a founder of CSR Bulgaria – the Bulgarian network for corporate social responsibility. Boris is a serial and social entrepreneur with extensive experience in building and developing project with high social impact as well as digital technology companies and projects in the sphere of innovations. He is often recognized as one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in Bulgaria.

Kamelia Slaveykova
Country Chair Shell Bulgaria and Greece, External Relations Manager for Shell in CEE & MED countries
Kamelia Slaveykova is the Country Chair of Shell Bulgaria since 1 August 2008. She is also Shell’s External Relations Manager for Central and Eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries. Since August 2010, Kamelia also acts as a Country Chair for Greece, where the company applies an indirect business model.
Her educational background includes an Executive MBA degree from the American University in Bulgaria and a series of international trainings and qualifications obtained within Shell. She has obtained a Master’s Degree in Macroeconomics from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia.
Since 2007, Kamelia has pro-actively lobbied for the participation of Bulgarian teams in Shell Eco-marathon, which is a unique and prestigious competition that challenges students around the world to design, build and drive the most energy-efficient cars. Kamelia, through Shell Bulgaria, has managed to attract a total of 7 teams across the country to join the competition in 2017. The company supports the teams in this sustainability-oriented challenge by sharing best practices and through professional trainings. Click here to learn more about Shell Eco-marathon.
An active participant in the local business community, Kamelia Slaveykova is a member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum.
In 2016 she was nominated among the top 10 finalists in the competition “Manager of the Year” organized by Manager Magazine.
Egbert Voerman
Country Head, ING Bank
Egbert is a citizen of the world having lived in Amsterdam, London and New York City. Currently he lives in Sofia, Bulgaria with his wife and their 2 daughters. He graduated from the VU University in Amsterdam with a master’s degree in financial economics positioning him for a career in the banking sector.
He started his career in earnest with ING Bank where he spent the first 10 years working in Acquisition Finance in various financial capitals of the world. With the onset of the financial crisis he moved into Credit Restructuring which took him across Central and Eastern Europe. Currently he is responsible for the Wholesale Banking operations of ING Bank in Bulgaria. 8 years into his career Egbert took a 6 months sabbatical to volunteer in an orphanage in the southwest of Guatemala, which instilled some much needed humility in him. For lack of any other athletic talents Egbert resorted to long distance running. His ambition is to one day run a marathon under 3 hours. Although he came close, at the pristine age of 44 this is becoming increasingly unlikely. Egbert loves to browse brick and mortar bookstores in search of inspiration and serendipity. One day, looking for a book on time management, he came across the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This book sparked Egbert’s interest in Buddhist philosophy, which postulates that life is suffering. Buddhists also believe that the surest way to happiness is to make other people happy. And this is what Egbert strives to aspire to in life.

Simona Charakchieva
Senior Advisor Corporate Communications
Simona Charakchieva is born and raised in France. She graduated International Trade and Marketing at the University of Paris V – R. Descartes. Her first professional engagement is at HAVAS advertising group and then she continued in the largest telecom in France ORANGE. There, she holds various positions in sales, marketing and corporate communications. She returns in Bulgaria in 2008 and works at VIVACOM ever since as Senior Adviser. She is responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility of the company.

Katerina Kirova-Milanova
Manager Communications and Sustainable Development in ZAGORKA – part of The HEINEKEN Company
Katerina is responsible for the communications and Corporate Social Responsibility of ZAGORKA. She is coordinating the HEIENKEN global platform for Bulgaria – “Brewing a better world”, which is a company’s long-term approach for creating shared, sustainable value for its business and stakeholders. Katerina also has a leading role in managing the campaigns and partnerships of Zagorka Green Fund – the fund for corporate donations of ZAGORKA, as well as campaigns for responsible drinking, such as the underage campaign “Game Over – Alcohol is not game”.
Katerina has more than 15 years marketing and communication experience in various business sectors, such as telecommunications, IT, retail, FMCG.
Teodora Borissova
Government and Public affairs manager in Solvay Bulgaria
She is responsible for the advocacy of the Group interests towards public authorities and stakeholders and develops relations with Bulgarian and EU institutions, professional organisations and other bodies with activities related to Solvay Sodi – one of the biggest industrial companies in Bulgaria and the largest European plant for production of synthetic soda ash.
Before she has been working within the Council of Ministers for the elaboration of national positions on EU policies and the coordination between national authorities and EU institutions. She has a Master of arts degree in EU International Relations and Diplomacy from the College of Europe and a Summa Cum Laude Diploma form the French National school for Public administration. She is a founder of the Bulgarian Association of Public Affairs Specialists, bringing professionals in the field of Public Affairs, willing to develop open collaboration with the authorities at country and local level and a Founding member of Cafe Babel Sofia, part of the Babel International network.

Kamelia Slaveykova
Country Chair Shell Bulgaria and Greece, External Relations Manager for Shell in CEE & MED countries
Her educational background includes an Executive MBA degree from the American University in Bulgaria and a series of international trainings and qualifications obtained within Shell. Since 2007, Kamelia has pro-actively lobbied for the participation of Bulgarian teams in Shell Eco-marathon.
Click here to learn more about Shell Eco-marathon.
Egbert Voerman
Country Head, ING Bank
He graduated from the VU University in Amsterdam with a master’s degree in financial economics positioning him for a career in the banking sector. Currently he is responsible for the Wholesale Banking operations of ING Bank in Bulgaria. 8 years into his career Egbert took a 6 months sabbatical to volunteer in an orphanage in the southwest of Guatemala, which instilled some much needed humility in him.
Simona Charakchieva
Senior Advisor, Corporate Communications
Her first professional engagement is at HAVAS advertising group and then she continued in the largest telecom in France ORANGE. There, she holds various positions in sales, marketing and corporate communications. She returns in Bulgaria in 2008 and works at VIVACOM ever since as Senior Adviser. She is responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility of the company.
Teodora Borissova
Government and Public affairs manager in Solvay Bulgaria
She is responsible for the advocacy of the Group interests towards public authorities and stakeholders and develops relations with Bulgarian and EU institutions, professional organisations and other bodies with activities related to Solvay Sodi – one of the biggest industrial companies in Bulgaria and the largest European plant for production of synthetic soda ash..